Phenomenological Speculations on Ontology and Cognition (Poem)

Abraham Muñoz Bravo
1 min readNov 18, 2018



spacetime births mind; Mind made spacetime.

mind manipulates space, while time constricts and Mind is.

as solomon’s temple, two pillars mind also has:

  1. memory tends understanding;
  2. senses reflect spacetime.

mind abstracts concepts which describe Mind

(yet, most cannot see further than the mere signs).

imagination paints; the mentis oculi is the canvas.

feelings distill mind into ephemeral essences

–dormant until the will or its opposite revive them.

all is Mind;

human is

(just as all else).




Abraham Muñoz Bravo

Trochilus allogamia ante alios videre. Respice! Hoc est forum ego ostendam tibi.